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December 2024 Highlights

Year End revive, refresh, Re-focus

EMA Case Summary: Employees must be consulted on transferring in a business sale

Trust: a key element of brand loyalty

Building brand loyalty

Extra pay when employment ends

Ethical disposal of old Devices

Undercharging a recipe for disaster

Contractor or employee

Get creative with A1

September 2024 Highlights

Tips for using AI in business

Be wary of beneficiaries becoming trust settlors

Planning critical for survival

Navigating the new GST rules for "Listed services" and digital platforms

Interest deductions on residential rentals

Tax calendar

Strategies for building wealth

June 2024 Highlights

Invest in yourself: the ultimate path to success

Company Vehicles kept at home but used for business

Changes to personal income tax thresholds

90-day trial period

disposal of trading stock at below market value

Trustee income to be taxed at 39%

Shareholder continuity and different classes of share

milage rate

Brief brightline test

December 2022 Highlights are:

4 ways to grow your business

Keep work tech at home up to date

NZ Employment Law

Special deal for travel from home to work

Seven-year records might not be enough

New rules to make GST record keeping easier

Never use expensive IRD money

Income insurance scheme - main points

September 2022 Highlights are:

Declaring overseas income

Overseas shareholders and dividends

Relationship property agreements and use thereof

Does the way my overseas benefit or pension is treated change if I leave NZ?

Employees vs Contractors

History shows meddling with savings

June 2022 Highlights are:

Trust-IRD Disclosure and Reporting requirements

In communications, keep it brief

Residential Rentals

GST changes afoot for sharing businesses

Minimum wage

Staff shortages and immigration

Tax calendar

Cyber security

Seeking emergency funding needs care

Debt Remission

Crypto assets

March 2022 Highlights are:

Building your business

Tax by stealth

Take action if you lose your cellphone

Debt collection in an age of inflation

The overlooked virtue of the Disputes Tribunal

Big change to loss carry forward rules

Getting IRD interest cancelled 2021 year

Tax Calendar

Year end tax implications

Why you need a will in New Zealand

December 2021 Highlights are:

How much should you invest

Signs of a scam

Ways to grow your business

Keys to sustainable business success

Reimbursement for use of telcos

Dent collection in an age of inflation

Take control of direct debits

New sale rule splits business components

Covid subsidies and GST

How to retain company losses when selling a business

Fringe benefits

Rental property repairs and maintenance

Immigration update


September 2021 Highlights are

A Risk for all business Cyber-Attacks

How to become financially stable

Sick Leave Entitlement increased to 10 days as from 24th July 2021 – Here’s what you need to be aware of

Benefits in on-time supplier payments

Interest and rentals

Family trusts


Subsidies on electric vehicles explained

Transferring shares

Feasibility expenditure

Interest-Free Period on the Small Business Cashflow Loan

June 2021 Highlights are

NZ Taxes on Worldwide Income Plan ahead before returning to NZ

When is a gift really a gift?

Tax Rate increase, What you need to know

Interest deductions on rental property

Know the Brightline test

Business Continuity Test

Sick Leave Increase

6 things your business need to do now

Creating a positive workplace

March 2021 Highlights are

Things you should know Before filing your EOY tax post covid

Email Marketing

Small Business cash flow loan scheme

Short-term absence payment

Resurgence support payment

Leave support scheme

Minimum wage

Increase in sick leave entitlement

Tax changes

and much more

December 2020 Highlights are

Five Tips to Survive the holiday cashflow blues

Tax Calculator

Purchase price allocations

New Rules around feasibility expenditure

Supplying commercial accommodation and GST

Control Direct Debits

Mortgage Deferral

Trusts Act 2019 and how it will affect your trust

Be realistic with social media expectations

How to find a work/life balance

Business cards with impact

September 2020 Highlights are

Are you future focused?
Self-employed- how much can you earn
Rent for employee's home
Not much charity for Healthy Homes Measures
New R&D Tax Incentive-Unlock Cash Flow Immediately
Is your Trust 2021 ready
ACC comes to party
The growth of intangible assets

July 2020 Highlights are

Tax calendar
Managing Change
ACC Levies
Tax changes worth noting
Find an excuse to spend again
Cash-flow:From juggling act to piece of mind
Dire implications for late tax payments
CRS explained
Boost staff morale
Ring fenced losses- excluded properties

March Highlights are

How to plan for a successful year
Tax tips, traps & troubles
Payday filing starts 1 April
Get in quick to get your invoices paid
get end-of-year right
amazon tax proposed
bright line test-family trust
school donations

December Highlights are

Are you managing all aspects if risk in you business
Proposed new Rules for GST on low value imported goods
claiming business expenses
ACC levies
business succession planning
Planning: Tips and tools to help you start a business
another home business calculator
capital gains tax
updating your will

September Highlights are

Location the key to success
Cracking down on cartel
Kiwisaver - 5 key feature changes
Entity for owning a rental property
deemed dividends
new rules for PAYE
payments for babies born or due from 1 July
home business require discipline
quick cash flow tip
Never to old?
10 reasons you need to grow your business
Rental losses law changes coming
are they an employee, or an independent contactor
Complying with AML/CFT

March 2018 Highlights are

Get organized for annual accounts
GST on low value items from overseas
Distributions from a family trust
New Five-year bright lime test
Finance leases- reminder
How to build great teams
Upcoming Changes to Employment Legislation
Independent directors
Stay safe online

Dec 2017 Highlights are

Paying lump sum bonuses: How to deduct the right tax
Put a signature on every email
How not to do business
Selling your business
Commercial buildings- splitting assets
RWT on interest-reminder
Ceasing to let a rental property
Contracting: Hidden Costs and expenses
Australia imposing GST
Taxing scheduler payments made to contractors

June 2017 Highlights are

FBT on Work-related vehicles
Business use of home
Windows 10 Tips and tricks
Foreign Trusts with NZ resident Trustee
How to will the email war
Never make judgements about potential customers
Keeping a log book made easy
Money laundering hits accountants
Danger in cashing up when company sells

March 2017 Highlights are

Maximizing your property investment
Directors Key Responsibilities
Minimum wage increase
Tax Calendar
Motor Vehicle expenditure of close companies
Retrospective adjustment to salaries
Beware the debt collector
Deducting tax payments to a contractor
Cross border finance
Big Changes in PAYE

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