The adult minimum wage will increase from $21.20 per hour to $22.70 – an increase of 7%. For someone who works a 40-hour week on the minimum wage, this increase will give them an extra $60 a week before tax. The starting-out and training minimum wage will rise from $16.96 to $18.16 per hour.
Superannuation will increase by about $100 for a couple per fortnight, and about $70 for individuals (after tax).
How much a person receives depends on living situations and tax rates.
For a single person living alone, the fortnightly rate will increase from $925.88 to $992.74 after tax (at rate M), while a couple who both receive superannuation will have their combined fortnightly payment increase from $1424.44 to $1527.28.
The income thresholds for the childcare subsidy and out of school care and recreation (OSCAR) subsidy are increasing.
The family tax credit will increase by $9 a week for the eldest child to $136 a week, and by $7 a week for subsequent children to $111 a week.
Best Start too will lift by $4 a week to $69 a week.
All other benefits increase on April 1.
Student support rates will increase in line with inflation, with single students under 24 without children to get an extra $20.21 per week. Others include jobseeker support, the young parent payment and disability allowance.
Lower petrol costs and half price public transport will remain until the end of June – and permanently for community services cardholders and tertiary students.
Rear Suite, Level 1, 29 Kings Crescent
Lower Hutt, 5010,
New Zealand
Phone: (04) 939-1975